Family Mealtimes Matter – All Year Long
Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN Senior Nutritionist
Today marks the original CASA Family Day, promoted by the Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) and Price Chopper since 2001, when their research showed the positive link between more family meals and less negative behavior in at risk teens. Since then, the research keeps showing that eating together is the glue that keeps kids healthy and families strong.
The Family Mealtimes Matter and National Family Meals Month campaigns technically wrap up this week, but they will keep going, in your house and in ours! You will always find great meals and snack solutions in our stores. Did you know, Americans are getting more than 50% of their calories from snacking, making snack time another great time for busy families to eat together. Snacks can help parents add more plant-based items to the foods they serve their children, promoting good habits and good health. It doesn’t have to be fancy, or at a specified time, or even served on a plate! Please, join us at the table whenever you can find time with your family – Family Mealtimes Matter! #familymealtimesmatter #familymealsmonth