Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RD, CD, Price Chopper Community Nutritionist
The parade is over and the fireworks are hours away. It’s time for the backyard cookouts to begin! The 4th of July is all about an outdoor celebration with family and friends. Of course, it wouldn’t be a cookout without all the yummy foods—the grilled chicken & steak, burgers & dogs, baked beans, potato salad and yummy desserts such as pie topped with loads of ice cream. Even though such delicious foods are part of the celebration, they’re not really the best choices for those trying to watch their sugar, salt or calories in order to stay on track with health goals or their doctor’s order. And let’s face it— these days many of us have to do just that! But eating at a BBQ doesn’t mean sacrificing your health goals in order to enjoy and indulge your self. After all, it is a party! Here are some grilling ideas that are so delicious; you’ll forget that they’re also good for you! All of these recipes feature this week’s sale items.