Black Horse Farm

Written by: Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN Black Horse Farm Coxsackie, NY Farmers – Lloyd Zimmerman and Family Lloyd Zimmerman did not grow up farming – he was a NYC kid, child of two college professors, but he became interested in

Supporting Farmers of The Northeast

Written by: Ellie Wilson, MS, RDNIn my work as Senior Nutritionist for Price Chopper, I have been part of the team that helps our customers understand our commitment to quality, of being the best in fresh, and how that heritage

New Cakes at the Price Chopper Bakery!

Written by: Jay Mandrillo, Director of Bakery Sales & Merchandising Are you a cake lover?  Do you like trendy flavors and exciting designs?  If you’re looking to try something different than the everyday cake, visit your local Price Chopper Bakery

The Circle (with Cabot Cheese!)

Written By: Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN Senior Nutritionist One of the great aspects of my job here at Price Chopper is being able to participate in the growing efforts of food companies reaching out to dietitians so they can share

Happy June Gardening!

Written By: Mark Larose from Garden State Growers Happy June to you gardeners! Summer is in the air. By now, you should be enjoying some of the fruits of your labors, or annuals of your labors! Color is abounding in your

What are you planting this Spring?

Written By: Mark Larose from Garden State Growers “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”……Charles Dickens Quoting such a famous author may seem an odd way to begin a blog on gardening, but as the weather

New Baguette of the Day Program!

We’re excited to announce a brand new program in our Bakery department- the Baguette of the Day!  Each day of the week, a new baguette will be featured for a hot price of 2/$3.   Our baguettes are made in

Spring into Spring with Pansies!

Written By: Mark Larose from Garden State Growers It’s March, and whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey into this wonderful hobby, one thing is for sure. Luck favors the prepared!   I like to approach my garden

Piñata Apples- An Apple with a Tropical Twist!

Tyler Blance- Produce Merchandising The month of January brings about a lot of things. For many of us in the northeast, January typically means a lot of snow and cold weather, and a lot of shoveling that snow and bearing