A Romantic Meal

Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RDPrice Chopper Community Nutritionist   Roses and chocolates or an intimate candlelight dinner in a fancy restaurant are typical ways to celebrate Valentines Day. But nothing says I love you more than a meal cooked from the

A Sweet, Homemade (Gluten-Free) Valentine’s Day Meal

Guest Post Contributed by Elizabeth Barbonehttp://www.GlutenFreeBaking.com I know lots of folks love to spend Valentine’s Day enjoying a meal at a restaurant. I’m not one of them! Thanks to my many food allergies, the thought of eating out on such

Healthy Eating Resolutions

What are your healthy eating resolutions and how can we help you stick to them?  We are interested in learning what we can do to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle goals.  Below are three resources that we already have

Beans for Meatless Family Meals

Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RDPrice Chopper Community Nutritionist My family has stopped eating a lot of meat. My daughter is a vegetarian, my son eats it only occasionally and my husband is trying to eat less meat because of his high cholesterol. 

Affordable Appetizer Ideas on a Budget

Guest Post Written By: Tara MahnkSenior Marketing Program Coordinator December is usually filled with planning and attending numerous parties throughout this festive season.  Whether it’s a work function or a family affair, here are some quick and easy appetizer suggestions

Time to Pull Out the Crock-Pot

Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RD, CDPrice Chopper Community Nutritionist December 1st has come and gone and we’re off with the countdown to Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa. Everyday the to-do list gets longer and the hours after work are whittled

How to Cook a Turkey!

By Deana Novembrino MS, RD Price Chopper Community NutritionistOwner of In Season Personal Chef and Nutrition Services, LLC Choosing and Thawing your Turkey When choosing a turkey for the holidays, it can be difficult to figure out how much you

Get Ruthless with Leftovers

Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RD, CD, Price Chopper Community Nutritionist I cringe if I hear “Ew that’s disgusting!” as someone rifles through our fridge and comes across a leftover container that’s been hidden from view. It’s not often, but

Fruit of the Month: Pomegranate!

This November, make sure to check out our fruit of the month brought to you by our Pharmacy and Produce departments: Pomegranate! Pomegranates have a NuVal score of 91 and are a good source of potassium and vitamin C.  They

Must Trick or Treat Always be a Sweet?

Written by Sylvia Geiger MS, RD, CD, Price Chopper Community Nutritionist I remember pouring out sacks of trick or treat candy on the living room floor, organizing them into piles of “like” and “don’t like” followed by boisterous trading with