Earth Day 2020 – The 50th Anniversary!
Ellie Wilson
MS, RDN Senior Nutritionist
Earth Day is 50 years old! On April 22, 1970, millions of Americans spoke out to create a healthier country and planet. Climate change and care of earth and water were central themes then, and that continues today. We all do our part when we recycle, manage food waste, keep our waterways clean, plant trees – there are so many ways, big and small, that we can improve the health of our planet.
As the world community grows, it is becoming more important than ever to be mindful of our own habits, and consider what we can each do to create healthier people and a healthier world. Consider these ideas and activities, and take this unique time to celebrate the earth and commit to a bright and supportive future for us all.
On your table:
Eating more plant-based foods is encouraged and recommended by climate and health educators alike. Double up servings of favorites, add fruits and vegetables to snacks, and explore new options in every aisle of the store. All ages and stages benefit from increasing plant-based foods, and pairing them with traditional, naturally nutrient-rich foods like dairy, lean meats and seafood. Farm to plate, all sections of the food community are improving their sustainability efforts and sharing best practices for common good.
In your home:
Recycling and up-cycling continue to expand. Have you checked your community recycling guidelines this year? Are there changes that affect how you and your family handle recycling?
Can you be more mindful of water use? Encourage shorter showers, maximize dishwashers before running, use refillable water bottles more often?
Spring is in the air! Walk around your yard or neighborhood and notice trees budding, flowers and plants growing. Can you name them, or just have fun naming colors and shapes?
Is there a public garden or park in your community? Visit once per week for some fresh air and activity, and watch how flowers and plants grow, and landscapes change with the seasons.
There are plants and seeds in the Floral Department in stores – look there for inspiration to plant something beautiful and watch it grow.
We all reap the benefit when we do our share for the care of our global home. Happy Earth Day!