Sometimes it can be hard to know exactly when the best time is to start taking steps
towards planning for the future. The endless possibilities can leave us feeling lost, while
the things that are important to us keeps us pushing forward towards a better future for
ourselves and those we care about. In today’s fast-paced society there is no shortage of
novelties or distractions, and we can easily neglect the one thing that cannot be obtained
with the simple click of a button. We are, of course, talking about our health.
Good health is one of our most important assets and taking the steps necessary to
maintain it does not have to be a complicated or difficult process. Luckily, science has
come a long way and we now have a better understanding of how our bodies work than
ever before, and while there are no miracle cures or magic potions to fix our problems
overnight, there are supplements that can help us in the journey towards better health.
By taking care of our heart, mind, eyes, and joints, omega-3s might be just the help we
need to make great improvements in the quality of life we can lead.
Benefits of Omega-3
Omega-3 has various health benefits – ranging from cardiovascular health, cholesterol reduction, to anti-inflammatory properties that help improve brain function, amongst others. These benefits undoubtedly created consumer demand, and the food and supplement industries responded by marketing omega-3s in everything from gummy vitamins to eggs and yogurt, and even in food and supplements for our four-legged friends.

Which option is best for you
With so many options available, the question then becomes: Which omega-3 product is
right for me? By selecting a high-quality omega-3 supplement that fits your lifestyle, you
can proactively start to improve your health. When selecting an omega-3 supplement
there are a few things to remember:
1. Check the Supplement Facts panel to make sure the product contains
enough omega-3s. Some products can be misleading by telling you how
much fish oil is in the product … and while fish oil contains omega-3s, not all
of the fish oil is omega-3 oils.
2. Look for high-concentration omega-3 supplement that pack as much
omega-3 oil into a capsule as possible. High-concentration means more
omega-3s in fewer capsules.
3. Find a product that is pleasant to take so that you can commit to making it a
part of your daily routine. The key to any supplement program is to take it
every day and to keep taking it for the long-term.
There is no definite right way to start taking care of our health, the important thing is to
be conscious of our bodies and make a habit out of healthy choices. Omega-3s can be
the foundation in which to build a better version of ourselves and enjoy the benefits of a
long and healthy life.
Stop by our pharmacy counter to speak with one of our associates and learn more about
what omega-3s can do for you.