Written by Sara Lilkas, Marketing Intern
It’s that time of year again! School is starting up and the lazy days of summer are gone for another year. As a partner to local communities, Price Chopper believes in giving back to schools and helping to enhance the learning process for local students. The Tools for Schools program runs from now until March 26th, 2016. At the end of the school year Price Chopper will distribute $500,000 in school supplies among schools in the program. Earning points is easy, once your AdvantEdge card is registered into the program online or at the Guest Services desk, every dollar you spend is one point for your school of choice (alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, lottery tickets, gift cards, stamps, tickets to go, tax, and bottle deposits are excluded) earns points. Double points are earned every Price Chopper or Central Market Classic brand product purchased. You can see how many points you’ve earned for you school on the bottom of your Price Chopper receipt every time you shop!
There will be opportunities and contests built into the program for schools to earn bonus points throughout the year!
Make sure to visit Price Chopper Facebook page on September 1st for the opportunity to earn 5,000 bonus points! Your school’s coordinator will comment on the Tools for Schools post made that day with the name of your school and the schools code (the code is what is used to register your AdvantEdge card into the program.) Schools receiving over 100 likes will earn 5,000 bonus points!
Coordinators! Make sure you have your bonus points checklist handy so you never miss an opportunity to earn bonus points for your school!
As part of the Tools for Schools program, Price Chopper will be hosting our annual school supply drive.Now through September 12th, school supplies you purchase can be donated by placing them into the bins in the front of your local store. At the end of the drive, the Salvation Army will collect the items and distribute them to students in need.
To check if your school is enrolled, simply stop at the Guest Services desk or check at pricechopper.com. If your school is not yet in the program, talk to school officials and they can get the school enrolled in the program.