Written by Jane Golub Director In-Store Marketing Programs
November 12, 2017
embodies global cuisine and that tradition stands today in its drive for innovation.
Knorr Selects – a quality line of 6 Rice Flavors of gluten-free sides:
Asiago Cheese
Four Cheese Risotto
Roasted Garlic Alfredo
Rustic Mexican Rice
Spinach & Artichoke
White Cheddar Broccoli
Find these great flavors of Knorr Selects in the Rice section.
Knorr believes that good food matters, it adds pleasure to our lives and everyday meals can be just as magical as special occasions. This conviction lies in the heart of Knorr’s success. A passion for good food goes right back to Knorr’s earliest days. Knorr products owe their tastes and flavors to the culinary skills of its chefs. Knorr