July Hot Sauce of the Month: High River Sauces Rattler BBQ Sauce
Hot sauce junkies, heat connoisseurs, and spiciness fanatics. We’re comin’ in hot with our next monthly feature. Warm weather is finally here to stay, but we’ve been staying hot all year with our served-fresh Hot Sauce of the Month features!
Each month we’re bringing you fresh stories on a different sauce brand, sharing some flavor insights, stories behind the brand and more. Travel with us on an adventure consisting of varying degrees of heat each month!
June’s Feature: High River Sauces Rattler BBQ Sauce
Rattler BBQ Sauce is a bite above your average hot sauce. This smoky sauce is infused with the flavors of coffee, rich molasses, the sweetness of honey, and mustard, creating a powerful blend of heat. If a dynamic jolt of flavor is what you’re seeking, your search will end with High River’s Rattler BBQ.
Much like its hot sauces, High River itself is a powerful blend. Steve Seabury started the brand to combine his love of music and good food. Before High River, Seabury wrote a cookbook titled “Mosh Potatoes” featuring recipes from his favorite heavy metal and hard rock superstars. Realizing he shared his appreciation for food with many of his musical icons, Seabury made it his mission to combine these passions and share them with the masses. Thus, High River Sauces was born.
Learn more about the brand and discover some other fiery flavors here.
Turn up the BBQ heat with High River Sauces this month, and tune in next month for our August Hot Sauce of the Month!