Local Legends: Halfmoon Cookies
We’re rockin’ the support for local growers and producers this summer! We’ll be touring our Northeast region, highlighting local products and crops, talking to farmers and artisans, and telling stories on local legends. Join us on our journey! Next up, Halfmoon Cookies made by Hemstrought’s Bakeries in Utica, New York.
In 1920, the very first Halfmoon Cookie recipe was created by Harry B. Hemstrought. He put it together right on Genesee St. in Utica, NY. Since then, the famous recipe has been passed down from baker to baker at Hemstrought’s. The cookies have won the hearts of many, with a fluffy, cake-like bottom, topped perfectly with one half chocolate fudge and the other buttercream frosting. Halfmoons are truly the pinnacle of dessert.
Fast forward to 2020 and Halfmoons have withstood the test of time. 100 years later and the recipe has not gone through a single modification. Everything about the cookies remain original and authentic. However, some have attempted to imitate the highly sought-after recipe, like with “black and whites,” commonly found in New York City. But if you ask the folks at Hemstrought’s, Halfmoons remain in a class of their own.
Halfmoon Cookies are truly one of the Northeast’s finest treasures. We love partnering with Hemstrought’s Bakeries and having their amazing treats right in our own neighborhood. If you haven’t had the pleasure, we recommend giving one of these cookies a try as soon as possible!