Guest Post Written by Samuel TrimboliCustomer Communications Representative, Resident Pinterest Expert
Chances are, you’ve “liked” a friend’s post, commented on a funny “status,” “tweeted” what’s on your mind and supplemented it with a #hashtag. Maybe you’ve even given your friends a shoutout on Follow Friday… but have you pinned anything yet?
No, I’m not talking about sewing. Pinterest is a relatively new social network designed in the form of an online pinboard. This site serves as a way for users (also referred to as “pinners”) to both showcase their own creativity by uploading and sharing pictures, and to bookmark ideas and items that they like or might want to come back to by “pinning” them.

Pinning is essentially bookmarking an item. Pinterest has an easy-to-install “Pin” button, which makes pinning almost second nature. For example, if I’m surfing the web and I come across a picture of an excellent recipe for no-bake cheesecake, I would click the “Pin” button and the image with a direct link to the recipe would then be pinned to one of my pinboards, appropriately named “Desserts to Die For.” If I come across something that another pinner has on their board, I can also add it to one of my own by re-pinning. Pinterest makes it so simple (and fun!) to share things with your friends. Pinterest is great because it’s basically like having a subscription to 10 different magazines, but not having to pay for them or worry about them cluttering your coffee table. That being said, the days of clipping out recipes from magazines to bring to our friends could be numbered. Thanks to Pinterest, all they need is the link to one of your pinboards.

Pinterest is unique because it provides a form of recreation as well as functionality. If you’ve already tried it, you’ll know what I mean. It’s a lot of fun looking through tons of eye catching, colorful photos of everything from headbands to Harley-Davidsons to heart-healthy fruit smoothies. And when we see something we like we can save it to one of our boards to come back to. After a solid chunk of time spent Facebooking, I usually find myself wondering where the time went and feeling like I could’ve done something a little more productive. In contrast, after a good Pinning session I usually feel like I accomplished something. It’s nice when I can go back and see what I’ve done in the 30 minutes I spent cultivating my Pinterest page. Some of the most popular board categories are recipes and style ideas, but some pinners have taken to making “wish-list” boards, where they pin birthday and holiday gift ideas. No more worrying about dropping that subtle hint!
So, I encourage all of you to go out and sign up for Pinterest if you haven’t already! Believe me when I say that there really is something on there for everyone. While you’re at it, make sure you follow us at to stay updated with what we’re featuring! We’ve added a Chopper Shopper Blogger board featuring blogs run by our customers! If you’d like to be featured on our Blogger board, comment with a link to your blog!
We’d like to be able to interact with you and hopefully showcase some of your favorite things on our boards. We like to update our Pinterest page with the newest in easy, yet delicious recipes to make your weekly meal planning a little easier. We’re also currently celebrating Oreo’s 100th birthday, so be sure to check out our board for some tasty Oreo treats! My personal favorite is our board for sustainable kids’ crafting ideas. Check it out, and you’ll be surprised at what you can do with some leftover egg cartons and soda bottles! We enjoy sharing recipes, contests and new ideas with all of our Chopper Shoppers and we love being able to see what’s important to you as well. Naturally, we really like the idea of Pinterest! We hope you love it too, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback! Happy pinning!