Price Chopper and many of our Trade Partners have made an effort to support the fight against breast cancer. This effort is visible in packaging of so many products in our stores. Check out the items and trade partners below and how they are showing their support during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Eggland’s Best supports Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the world’s largest breast cancer advocacy organization and the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. Through November 15th, Eggland’s Best will feature the signature “EB” stamp with the Susan G. Komen Running Ribbon on all varieties of farm eggs. They will also be donating $50,000 to support Susan G. Komen in their pledge to end breast cancer forever. Learn more at

General Mills brands are turning pink this month, thanks to Pink Together, a multi-faceted campaign that has added $8 million to the company’s support of the breast cancer cause since 2007. Launched four years ago, is an emotionally charged site that has nearly 700,000 members who have been touched by breast cancer. The online community offers newly diagnosed, survivors, friends, caregivers and supporters the opportunities to connect, find support, share stories and offer each other strength and hope. The Pink Together program contributes $2 million a year to Susan G. Komen, and also funds customer account-specific local programs and programs directed by our sales team benefiting the cause.
Northland Dark Fruit Juices also proudly supports the Breast Cancer Research Foundation with their program, Drink to Pink. This program has raised $450,000 for BCRF since 2006. The funding supports clinical and translational research at top universities and academic medical centers worldwide conducting the most advanced and promising breast cancer research that will lead to prevention and cure in our lifetime. With each new advancement, more women triumph over breast cancer every year. Drink to Pink is about creating a community of support,sharing inspirational survivor stories, helping women practice good breast health habits and reminding loved ones ones to get regular breast check-ups. Learn more about Northland’s efforts at

This is the 5th year that Price Chopper has encouraged our customers to join the fight against breast cancer. Five cents from every specially marked Price Chopper Breast Cancer Packaging will go to benefit Breast Cancer initiatives up to $250,000. This week, we are offering coupons for Price Chopper Sharp Cheddar Cheese and Price Chopper Ginger Ale. Join us and our trade partners as we battle to eliminate this disease! For a list of all Price Chopper products with proceeds going to Breast Cancer initiatives, visit