Ellie Wilson
MS, RDN Senior Nutritionist
The Family Fruit Bowl
The family fruit bowl, fresh and fragrant, can make enjoying fruit easy and accessible for everyone that encounters it. Teach kids and cue your own appetite for wellbeing by creating that fresh display in your home every week. March is National Nutrition Month – what better way to kick off a delicious and nutritious spring than creating a beautiful fruit bowl full of flavor and benefits!
Many nourishing fruits need a little time to ripen before you can enjoy their best flavor. Pears do not ripen on the tree, they only ripen after they are picked. In addition to pears, avocados, bananas, and mangoes can all benefit and promote ripening together. The few days generally needed to finish ripening makes pears uniquely suited for that fresh fruit bowl – including a variety of fruit at varying stages of ripeness each week will ensure you can enjoy something every day!
Pears are a powerhouse of flavor and fiber, and perfect for some sweet and savory meals that energize the transition from winter to spring. Chilly mornings that still merit a warm breakfast create a perfect setting for PICS Oatmeal with chopped pears, ginger and pecans. Roast American Heart Association Certified Pork Tenderloin with crushed rosemary on a sheet pan alongside acorn squash stuffed with pears and baked to tasty tenderness. They earn a quick drizzle of PICS Maple Syrup or Honey to finish – yum! Take that Market 32 Honey Turkey panini to the next level with sliced pears and brie – the heat melts it all together into a delicious combo you can share (but you probably won’t!).
Some pear varieties change color from green to gold as they ripen, others do not, so check the neck for ripeness – a little give means you get their best flavor. Join in the fun and share an Instagram picture with #whatsinyourfruitbowl. Learn more here and you might win some great prizes. Check out more wonderful pear recipes at cms-uat-pch.unataops.com/recipes.