United Way

United Way needs your help now more than ever!

Round up your change at checkout and support the United Way’s COVID-19 Response.

We have kicked things off with a $25,000 donation. Your generosity helps connect our community members with resources providing food, shelter and other essential services through United Way’s global network. 

  • •United Way fights for the health, education, and   financial stability for every person in every  community.
  • •Donations raised in your store will benefit your   local United Way Chapter. 
  • •United Way’s COVID-19 resources: United Way is uniting community partners in regional fundraising   efforts to support critical community needs.
  • •United Way is coordinating volunteers to support in-person and virtual volunteer needs of   organizations   that continue to provide essential services.
  • •United Way’s 2-1-1 helpline operates 24/7 in over 200 languages and provides free, confidential referrals   to essential services, and is supporting COVID-19 related questions and concerns.


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