Beginning this Sunday, January 24th, every time you purchase any 10 products from our corporate brands collection with your AdvantEdge card, you will be automatically entered for a chance to win $5,200 in Price Chopper gift certificates! Our brands (see below for the complete list) include all grocery, frozen, dairy, fresh and general merchandise/health and beauty care items with the labels shown below.
For each two week period, every ten items will qualify for another entry, up to 60 items of 6 entries per two week period. The winner will be identified electronically though a random pull of qualified shoppers. There will be one winner every two weeks for each of the twelve weeks, with a total of 6 winners for the event!
The contest will run through April 17th – plenty of time to stock up on your favorite corporate brand items! If you love our brands already, you know how easy it is to purchase 10 of these items on any shopping trip! In case you have not tried our brands yet, this gives you the perfect opportunity to try them out and qualify to win!